When Are Pediatric Fillings In Winter Garden, FL, Needed?

an image of a pediatric dental patient.

Pediatric fillings in Winter Garden, FL are needed when kids develop tooth decay. Kids may also need pediatric fillings if they want to correct dental imperfections. No matter the reason why kids need pediatric fillings, however, they can precisely and predictably correct the young patient’s smile.

Interested in learning more about when pediatric fillings are needed? Here is more detailed information on when pediatric fillings are needed to correct a young patient’s teeth.

When Exactly Are Pediatric Fillings In Winter Garden, FL Needed?

A pediatric dentist may recommend that a child gets a pediatric filling for many reasons. The reasons why kids may need pediatric dental fillings are the following:


Since cavities cause a tooth to decay, the decay must be removed in order to save the tooth. As a result, the tooth will have a hole in it. Pediatric fillings essentially “fill in” any open spots so that bacteria, sugars, and food debris cannot make their way into the tooth and cause further damage.

Tooth Imperfections:

When children have cosmetic dental imperfections, pediatric fillings can be used to cover up those imperfections. With customized pediatric fillings, the look of the patients smile can be corrected so that they have a natural and better-looking new smile.

How Do Pediatric Fillings Give Me The New Smile I Need?

A pediatric filling is a soft, composite material that can be applied to a tooth after the tooth has been properly cleaned and sanitized of any cavity-causing bacteria or damaged tissues. The soft material is hardened in the pediatric dental office, and bonds completely with the patient’s natural tooth.

Because the pediatric filling material is custom designed to match the color of the patient’s natural teeth, it blends in seamlessly with the rest of their smile. Pediatric filling procedures are one of the quickest, most minimally invasive types of restorative treatments available for kids! No matter how many teeth need them, pediatric fillings reliably transform a patient’s smile and, if properly taken care of, can last for years to come.


See Us Now So We Can Protect Your Smile With Pediatric Fillings

Is it time for your child to visit a pediatric dentist? If your young one has at least one tooth, you can arrange a visit with one of our pediatric dentists at our caring, knowledgeable, and practiced office. With the latest techniques and technologies, we can give your child the smile of their dreams so that they can have a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile for years to come.

Why wait to improve your child’s smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Jordan P. JonesDr. Matthew McLeod, and our excellent team at our Esteem Dental Pediatrics office to schedule an appointment today!


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