Will Pediatric Invisalign® In Winter Garden, FL, Promote Better Oral Health?

an image of a pediatric dental patient.

It is not unusual for children and teens to require braces at some point. But when kids want to discreetly correct their crooked or misaligned smile, then they will want to get treated with pediatric Invisalign® in Winter Garden, FL.

Pediatric Invisalign does not only give patients a more aligned and aesthetically enhanced looking smile, it also helps them have better oral health. Interested to learn more about how pediatric Invisalign promotes better oral health? Continue reading to learn how pediatric Invisalign promotes better oral health.

How Does Pediatric Invisalign® In Winter Garden, FL, Promote Better Oral Health?

The main differences between pediatric Invisalign and the more traditional pediatric braces treatment, are what make Invisalign a healthier orthodontic choice. Kids who are good candidates for pediatric Invisalign can enjoy some significant oral health advantages as a result. The following are the reasons why pediatric Invisalign promotes better oral health:

Easier To Maintain Oral Health:

One of the hardest aspects of having pediatric braces, is that they make brushing and flossing challenging. Even with the use of high-tech products, like waterpiks, kids may find it difficult to keep their teeth clean if they are wearing metal and wire braces. Since pediatric Invisalign clear aligners can be removed for at-home oral care, they eliminate any barriers to kids having a clean, fresh mouth.

Does Not Cause Dietary Restrictions:

Young patients who qualify for a pediatric Invisalign treatment, won’t have any dietary restrictions. Why? Kids can just remove their pediatric Invisalign clear aligners to eat, and then put them back when they are done. With pediatric Invisalign, kids won’t have to worry about getting food particles stuck in their clear aligners.

Reduces Tooth Grinding And Jaw Pain:

One of the biggest advantages of getting treated with pediatric Invisalign, is that it can help kids who have bruxism save their teeth. Pediatric Invisalign clear aligners are worn at least 22 hours a day, including overnight. For kids who are prone to grinding their teeth during their sleep, pediatric Invisalign prevents their tooth enamel from being worn down.

With pediatric Invisalign, kid’s teeth will stay healthier and it will cause them to have less jaw discomfort when they wake up because their teeth are protected from griding.

See Us Now So Your Kids Can Have Better Oral Health With Our Pediatric Invisalign

At our caring and advanced pediatric office, we can determine if your little one or teen could benefit from our pediatric Invisalign procedure.  With pediatric Invisalign, your kid’s oral health can be restored.

Don’t hesitate to improve your smile with us. Get in contact with Dr. Jordan P. JonesDr. Matthew McLeod, and our exceptional team at our Esteem Dental Pediatrics office to schedule an appointment today!


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